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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FORGERY ACT 1913

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1.(1) For the purposes of this Act, forgery is the making of a false document
in order that it may be used as genuine, and in the case of the seals and dies
mentioned in this Act the counterfeiting of a seal or die, and forgery with
intent to defraud or deceive, as the case may be, is punishable as in this Act

(2) A document is false within the meaning of this Act if the whole or any
material part thereof purports to be made by or on behalf or on account of a
person who did not make it nor authorise its making; or if, though made by or
on behalf or on account of the person by whom or by whose authority it
purports to have been made, the time or place of making, where either is
material, or, in the case of a document identified by number or mark, the
number or any distinguishing mark identifying the document, is falsely stated
therein; and in particular a document is false:

(a)if any material alteration whether by addition, insertion, obliteration,
erasure, removal, or otherwise, has been made therein;

(b)if the whole or some material part of it purports to be made by or on
behalf of a fictitious or deceased person;

(c)if, though made in the name of an existing person, it is made by him or by
his authority with the intention that it should pass as having been made by
some person, real or fictitious, other than the person who made or authorised

(3) For the purposes of this Act

(a)it is immaterial in what language a document is expressed or in what place
within or without the King's dominions it is expressed to take effect;

(b)forgery of a document may be complete even if the document when forged is
incomplete, or is not or does not purport to be such a document as would be
binding or sufficient in law;

(c)the crossing on any cheque, draft on a banker, post-office money order,
postal order, coupon, or other document the crossing of which is authorised or
recognised by law, shall be a material part of such cheque, draft, order,
coupon, or document.

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