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Northern Irish Legislation

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Making false entries in the books of the public funds.

5. Whosoever shall wilfully make any false entry in, or wilfully alter any
word or figure in, any of the books of account kept by the Bank of England or
the Bank of Ireland, in which books the accounts of the owners of any stock,
annuities, or other public funds which now are or hereafter may be
transferable at the Bank of England or at the Bank of Ireland shall be entered
and kept, or shall in any manner wilfully falsify any of the accounts of any
of such owners in any of the said books, with intent in any of the cases
aforesaid to defraud, or shall wilfully make any transfer of any share or
interest of in any stock, annuity, or other public fund which now is or
hereafter may be transferable at the Bank of England or at the Bank of
Ireland, in the name of any person not being the true and lawful owner of such
share or interest, with intent to defraud shall be guilty of felony, and being
convicted thereof shall be liable ... to be kept in penal servitude for life

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