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Northern Irish Legislation

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26.(1) Subject to Article 27, the prices to be charged by the Service for the
supply of electricity shall be in accordance with tariffs fixed by the Service
after consultation with the Council, the Ministry and the Ministry of Finance.

(2) The tariffs shall be published in such manner as in the opinion of the
Service will secure adequate publicity for them.

(3) The tariffs shall be so framed as to show the methods by which and the
principles on which the charges are to be made as well as the prices which are
to be charged and, in addition to the charge for the actual electricity
supplied, may include

(a)a standing charge; or

(b)a rent or other charge in respect of any electric meter or other electric
fitting provided by the Service on the premises of the consumer.

(4) The Service in fixing tariffs shall not show undue preference to any
person or class of persons and shall not exercise any undue discrimination
against any person or class of persons, so however that nothing in this
paragraph shall prevent the Service from exercising any discretion with
respect to the fixing of tariffs that is conferred upon it under this Order.

(5) Where by virtue of the revision of a tariff (whether by variation,
replacement or otherwise) the charge for electricity supplied to any consumer
is increased, the increased charge shall not apply to electricity supplied to
that consumer before the first inspection of the meter for the purpose of
ascertaining the amount of electricity supplied to that consumer which is made
after the publication of the revised tariff.

(6) Every account furnished by the Service to a consumer giving particulars of
the charges due by that consumer for electricity supplied to him shall show
how those charges relate to the tariff in accordance with which they are

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