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Northern Irish Legislation

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Addition to list of crimes in schedule.

8. The principal Act shall be construed as if there were included in the first
schedule to that Act the list of crimes contained in the schedule to
this Act.The following list of crimes is to be construed according to the law
existing in England or in a British possession (as the case may be) at the
date of the alleged crime, whether by common law or by statute made before or
after the passing of this Act:

Kidnapping and false imprisonment.

Perjury, and subornation of perjury, whether under common or statute law.

Any indictable offence under [the Theft Act 1968], [or the Theft Act 1978] or
any Act amending or substituted for the same....

Any indictable offence under the [Criminal Damage Act 1971 or the unrepealed
provisions of the Malicious Damage Act 1861], or any Act amending or
substituted for [either], which is not included in the first schedule to the
principal Act.

Any indictable offence under the Forgery Act, 1861, or any Act amending or
substituted for the same, which is not included in the first schedule to the
principal Act.

Any indictable offence under the Coinage Offences Act, 1861, or any Act
amending or substituted for the same, which is not included in the first
schedule to the principal Act.

Any indictable offence under the Offences against the Person Act, 1861, or any
Act amending or substituted for the same, which is not included in the first
schedule to the principal Act.

Any indictable offence under the laws for the time being in force in relation
to bankruptcy which is not included in the first schedule to the principal

[Any indictable offence under the Sexual Offences Act 1956, or any Act
amending or substituted for the same, which is not included in the first
schedule to the principal Act...].

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