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Extension of certain defences to broadcasting.

9.(1) Section three of the Parliamentary Papers Act, 1840 (which confers
protection in respect of proceedings for printing extracts from or abstracts
of parliamentary papers) shall have effect as if the reference to printing
included a reference to broadcasting by means of wireless telegraphy.

(2) Section seven of this Act and section three of the Law of Libel Amendment
Act, 1888, shall apply in relation to reports or matters
broadcast by means of wireless telegraphy as part of any programme or service
provided by means of a broadcasting station within the United Kingdom, and in
relation to any broadcasting by means of wireless telegraphy of any such
report or matter, as they apply in relation to reports and matters published
in a newspaper and to publication in a newspaper; and sub-section (2) of the
said section seven shall have effect, in relation to any such broadcasting, as
if for the words "in the newspaper in which" there were substituted the words
"in the manner in which".

(3) In this section "broadcasting station" means any station in respect of
which a licence granted by the Postmaster General under the enactments
relating to wireless telegraphy is in force, being a licence which (by
whatever form of words) authorises the use of the station for the purpose of
providing broadcasting services for general reception.

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