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Northern Irish Legislation

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Application of s.11 of 1851 c.92 as to over-crowding of carriages.

4. Every char-a-banc, and every omnibus as defined in sub-section (3) of
section fourteen of the Roads Act, 1920, shall, when used on any public road
or street (whether within the district of a [district council] or not), be
deemed to be a public stage carriage for the purposes of section eleven of the
Summary Jurisdiction (Ireland) Act, 1851; and, accordingly, references in the
last-mentioned section to the number of passengers for whom seats shall be
provided in or on any public stage carriage, or which any such carriage shall
be intended to carry, shall be construed as references to the number of
persons to be carried by a char-a-banc or omnibus as regulated by the byelaws
of any [district council] under section eighty-eight of the principal Act as
extended by this Act, or by any other enactment or byelaw.

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