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Imitation, etc., of currency or bank notes.

19.(1) If any person makes, or causes to be made, or uses for any purpose
whatsoever, or utters, any document purporting to be, or in any way
resembling, or so nearly resembling as to be calculated to deceive, any
currency or bank note, or any part thereof, he shall be guilty of an offence
against this section and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not
exceeding [#20], and it shall be lawful for the court dealing with the case to
order the document in respect of which the offence was committed, and any
copies of that document, or any plates, blocks, dies or other instruments used
for, or capable of being used for, printing or reproducing any such documents
which are in the possession of the offender to be destroyed.

(2) If any person whose name appears on any document the making of which is an
offence under this section refuses, without lawful excuse, to disclose to a
member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary on being so required the name and
address of the person by whom it was printed or otherwise made, he shall be
liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding [#20].

(3) Where the name of any person appears on any document in respect of which
any person is charged with an offence under sub-section (1) of this section,
or on any other document used or distributed in connection with that document,
it shall be prima facie evidence that that person caused the document to be

(4) In this section the expression "currency note" means a currency note
issued under the Currency and Bank Notes Act, 1914, and includes any note of a
similar character, by whatever name called, issued by or on behalf of the
Government of any foreign state or of the Republic of Ireland or any part of
Her Majesty's Dominions outside the United Kingdom, and the expression "bank
note" has the same meaning as in the Forgery Act, 1913.

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