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Evidence by certificate.

12.(1) In any criminal proceedings, a certificate purporting to be signed by a
member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary, not below the rank of sergeant, or by
a person appearing to the court to be suitably qualified, and certifying that
a plan or drawing exhibited thereto is a plan or drawing made by him of the
place or object specified in the certificate, and that the plan or drawing is
correctly drawn to a scale so specified, shall be evidence of the relative
position of the things shown on the plan or drawing.

Subs.(2) rep. by 1973 NI17 art.17(2) sch.4; subs.(3) rep. by 1969 c.16 (NI)
s.31(2) sch.3 Pt.II

(4) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to make a certificate...
admissible as evidence in proceedings for an offence except where and to the
extent to which oral evidence to the like effect would have been admissible in
those proceedings.

(5) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to make a certificate...
admissible as evidence in proceedings for any offence

(a)unless a copy thereof has, not less than seven days before the hearing or
trial, been served on the person charged with the offence or on his solicitor,
if any; or

(b)if that person or his solicitor, not later than three days before the
hearing or trial or within such further time as the court may in special
circumstances allow, serves notice on the prosecutor or his solicitor
requiring the attendance at the trial of the person who signed the

S.13 rep. by 1964 c.21 (NI) s.172 sch.7

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