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Short title and commencement.

15.(1) This Act may be cited as the Commissioner for Complaints Act (Northern
Ireland) 1969.

(2) Commencement

(3) Subject to section 6(4) a complaint under this Act may be made in respect
of matters which arose before the commencement of this Act.

Any local body.

Any new town commission established under the New Towns Acts (Northern
Ireland) 1965 to 1968 and any committee or sub-committee thereof.

Any harbour authority.


Any board established under the Agricultural Marketing Acts (Northern Ireland)
1933 or 1964.


[Education and Library Boards established under the Education and Libraries
(Northern Ireland) Order 1972.]

[Enterprise Ulster.]

[The Fire Authority for Northern Ireland.

[A Health and Social Services Board established under Article 16 of the Health
and Personal Social Services (Northern Ireland) Order 1972.]


Industrial Training Boards established under section 1 of the Industrial
Training Act (Northern Ireland) 1964.

[The National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting for Northern

[The Northern Ireland Central Services Agency for the Health and Social

[The Northern Ireland Certificate of Secondary Education Examinations Board.]

[The Northern Ireland Council for Nurses and Midwives.]

[The Northern Ireland Development Agency.]

[The Northern Ireland Electricity Service.]


The Northern Ireland Fire Authority.

[The Northern Ireland General Certificate of Education of Examinations Board.]


[The Northern Ireland Housing Executive.]

The Northern Ireland Housing Trust.

[The Northern Ireland Schools Examinations Council.]

[The Northern Ireland Staffs Council for the Health and Social Services.]

The Northern Ireland Tourist Board.



Para.1 rep. by SI 1973/2163 art.14(2) sch.6

2. The commencement or conduct of any civil or criminal proceedings before a
court of law in the United Kingdom, or of proceedings before any international
court or tribunal.

3. Action which is or may be investigated by the Attorney-General with a view
to the institution of proceedings under [section 31 or 46(9) of the Local
Government Act (Northern Ireland) 1972].

Provided that, if, after the Attorney-General has decided not to proceed with
such an investigation into such action or not to institute such proceedings in
respect of it, or after the final determination of any such proceedings in
respect of such action, a person aggrieved complains that such action resulted
in his sustaining injustice in consequence of maladministration and that such
injustice has not been remedied, the Commissioner may, if satisfied that there
are reasonable grounds for that complaint investigate such action and may do
so notwithstanding any limitation of time imposed by section 6(4) so long as
the action occurred not earlier than one year before the passing of this Act.

4. Action in the discharge of a professional duty by a medical or dental
practitioner, pharmacist, nurse, midwife or member of a profession
supplementary to medicine in the course of diagnosis, treatment or care of a
particular patient.

5. Action taken in respect of any matter which is within the scope of the
powers of the Northern Ireland Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration.

6. Action taken in respect of any matter outside the scope of the powers of
the Parliament of Northern Ireland.

1972 c.9

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