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Reports by Commissioner.

11.(1) In any case where the Commissioner conducts an investigation under
this Act or decides not to conduct such an investigation, he shall send to the
person by whom the request for the investigation was made a report of the
results of the investigation or, as the case may be, a statement of his
reasons for not conducting an investigation.

(2) In any case where the Commissioner conducts an investigation under
this Act, he shall also send a report of the results of the investigation to

(a)the body concerned;

(b)any person who is alleged in the relevant complaint to have taken or
authorised the action complained of or otherwise to be involved in the
allegations made in the complaint.

(3) The Commissioner shall annually lay before each House of Parliament a
general report on the performance of his functions under this Act and may from
time to time lay such other reports before Parliament as he may think fit.

(4) For the purposes of the law of defamation the publication by
the Commissioner or his officers of any matter which the Commissioner is
required or authorised to publish under this Act shall be absolutely

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