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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> CONSPIRACY AND PROTECTION OF PROPERTY ACT 1875

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3. An agreement or combination by two or more persons to do or procure to be
done any act in contemplation or furtherance of a trade dispute... shall not
be indictable as a conspiracy if such act committed by one person would not be
punishable as a crime.


Nothing in this section shall exempt from punishment any persons guilty of a
conspiracy for which a punishment is awarded by any Act of Parliament.

Nothing in this section shall affect the law relating to riot, unlawful
assembly, breach of the peace, or sedition, or any offence against the State
or the Sovereign.

A crime for the purposes of this section means an offence punishable on
indictment, or an offence which is punishable on summary conviction, and for
the commission of which the offender is liable under the statute making the
offence punishable to be imprisoned either absolutely or at the discretion of
the court as an alternative for some other punishment.

Where a person is convicted of any such agreement or combination as aforesaid
to do or procure to be done an act which is punishable only on summary
conviction, and is sentenced to imprisonment, the imprisonment shall not
exceed three months, or such longer time, if any, as may have been prescribed
by the statute for the punishment of the said act when committed by one

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