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Northern Irish Legislation

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Penalty for false statements.

388.(1) Where by any enactment in [the Companies Acts] it is provided that a
company and every officer of the company who is in default shall be liable to
a default fine, the company and every such officer shall, for every day during
which the default, refusal or contravention continues, be liable to a fine not
exceeding such amount as is specified in the said enactment, or, if the amount
of the fine is not so specified, to a fine not exceeding five pounds.

(2) For the purpose of any enactment in [the Companies Acts] which provides
that an officer of a company who is in default shall be liable to a fine or
penalty, "officer who is in default" means any officer of the company who
knowingly and wilfully authorises or permits the default, refusal or
contravention mentioned in the enactment.

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