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Interpretation of provisions as to prospectuses.

374.(1) Subject to sub-sections (2) and (3), any person may

(a)inspect the documents kept by the registrar of companies, [on payment of
such fee as may be appointed by the Ministry, not exceeding [five new pence]
for each inspection];

(b)require a certificate of the incorporation of any company, or a copy or
extract of any other document or any part of any other document, to be
certified by the registrar, [on payment for the certificate, certified copy or
extract of such fees as the Ministry may appoint, not exceeding [twenty-five
new pence] for a certificate of incorporation and not exceeding [three new
pence] for each folio of a certified copy or extract].

(2) In relation to documents delivered to the registrar with a prospectus in
pursuance of sub-paragraph (i) of paragraph (b) of sub-section (1) of section
forty-one, the rights conferred by sub-section (1) of this section shall be
exercisable only during the fourteen days beginning with the date of
publication of the prospectus or with the permission of the Ministry, and in
relation to documents so delivered in pursuance of paragraph (b) of
sub-section (1) of section three hundred and sixty-eight the said rights shall
be exercisable only during the fourteen days begining with the date of the
prospectus or with the permission of the Ministry.

(3) The right conferred by paragraph (a) of sub-section (1) shall not extend
to any copy sent to the registrar under section three hundred and twenty-three
of a statement as to the affairs of a company or of any comments of the
receiver or his successor or a continuing receiver or manager thereon, but
only to the summary thereof, except where the person claiming the right either
is or is the agent of a person stating himself in writing to be a member or
creditor of the company to which the statement relates, and the right
conferred by paragraph (b) of sub-section (1) shall be similarly limited.

(4) No process for compelling the production of any document kept by
the registrar shall issue from any court except with the leave of that court,
and any such process if issued shall bear thereon a statement that it is
issued with the leave of the court.

(5) A copy of, or extract from, any document kept and registered at the office
for the registration of companies, certified to be a true copy under the hand
of the registrar (whose official position it shall not be necessary to prove),
shall in all legal proceedings be admissible in evidence as of equal validity
with the original document.

(6) Any person untruthfully stating himself in writing for the purposes of
sub-section (3) to be a member or creditor of a company shall be liable to a
fine not exceeding fifty pounds.

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