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Remedies for recovery of annual sums charged on land.

6.Subs.(1) rep. by 1966 c.2 (NI) s.12(2)

(2) The powers and remedies conferred by the last-mentioned section are
exercisable whether the annual sum is created under a power contained in an
instrument coming into operation before or after the commencement of the Act
of 1881, and take effect unless the instrument creating the power or under
which the annual sum is created otherwise directs.

(3) This section applies to powers and remedies conferred by or implied in an
instrument executed before as well as after the commencement of this Act.

Ss.7, 8 rep. by SLR 1927; 1952 c.19 (NI) s.1(4) sch.2; 1958 c.23 (NI) s.69
sch.2; SLR 1976

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