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Northern Irish Legislation

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Benefit of condition already broken to run with reversion.

2.(1) Section ten of the Act of 1881 shall apply to the benefit of every
condition of re-entry or forfeiture for a breach of any covenant or condition
contained in a lease, so as to enable the same to be enforced and taken
advantage of by the person from time to time entitled, subject to the term, to
the income of the whole or any part, as the case may require, of the land
leased, although that person became, by conveyance or otherwise, so entitled
after the condition of re-entry or forfeiture had become enforceable, provided
that he became so entitled as aforesaid after the commencement of this Act.

(2) This section shall not render enforceable any condition of re-entry or
other condition waived or released before the person became entitled as

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