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Northern Irish Legislation

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Notice of restrictive covenants.

11.(1) Where land having a common title with other land is disposed of to a
purchaser (other than a lessee or a mortgagee) who does not hold or obtain
possession of the documents forming the common title, such purchaser,
notwithstanding any stipulation to the contrary, may require that a memorandum
giving notice of any provision contained in the disposition to him restrictive
of user of, or giving rights over, any other land comprised in the common
title, shall, where practicable, be indorsed on, or, where impracticable, be
permanently annexed to some one document selected by the purchaser but
retained in the possession or power of the person who makes the disposition,
and being or forming part of the common title.

(2) The title of any person omitting to require an indorsement to be made or a
memorandum to be annexed shall not, by reason only of this enactment, be
prejudiced or affected by the omission.

S.12 rep. by 1955 c.24 (NI) s.46 sch.3

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