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Northern Irish Legislation

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Protection of constables in executing warrants.

50. Provided always, that when any action shall be brought against any
constable for any act done in obedience to the warrant of any magistrate, such
constable shall not be responsible for any irregularity in the issuing of such
warrant, or for any want of jurisdiction in the magistrate issuing the same,
and such constable may... give such warrant in evidence; and upon producing
such warrant, and proving that the signature thereto is the handwriting of the
person whose name shall appear subscribed thereto, and that such person is
reputed to be and acts as a magistrate of such county or district (as the case
may be), and that the act or acts complained of were done in obedience to such
warrant, the jury... shall find a verdict for such constable....

Ss.5158 rep. by SLR 1874; SLR (NI) 1954

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