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Northern Irish Legislation

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Constables to execute all processes to them directed.

16. Except as aforesaid, every chief constable, head constable, constable, and
sub-constable, ..., shall within his jurisdiction execute all processes to him
directed for levying the amount of any fine or fines which shall be imposed
under any Act in force in Ireland, or for levying the amount of any
recognizance forfeited to His Majesty, or of any fines imposed on any jurors,
witnesses, parties, or persons [by any court of justice in Northern Ireland];
and when any warrant, order, or command of any magistrate shall be delivered
or given to any such head constable or sub-constable, he shall, if the time
will permit, show or deliver the same to the chief constable under whose
immediate command such head constable or sub-constable shall then be, and such
chief constable shall nominate and appoint by indorsement thereon such one or
more of the constables under his orders, and such assistant or assistants to
him or them as such chief constable shall think proper, to execute such
warrant, order, or command; and every such constable whose name shall be so
endorsed, and every such assistant as aforesaid, shall have all and every the
same rights, powers, and authorities for and in the execution of every such
warrant, order, or command, as if the same had been originally directed to him
or them expressly by name.

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