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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> BOUNDARY SURVEY (IRELAND) ACT 1857

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Boundary surveyor may define boundaries of land reclaimed from the sea, &c.

2. Such boundary surveyor may define and mark out the boundaries of any land
that has been reclaimed from the sea, or a tidal river or lake, and make of
such land a new townland or townlands; and such new townland or townlands
shall be included in and form an integral portion of the county, [county
district] and parish within which such townland or townlands are locally
situate, or on which they abut or with which they have the greatest length of
common boundary, as to such boundary surveyor shall seem fit: Provided always,
that nothing herein contained shall in any manner affect the title of the
Queen's Majesty, her heirs and successors, or assigns, or of other the owner
or owners thereof, to any land which has been or may hereafter be so reclaimed
as aforesaid.

S.3 rep. by 1898 c.37 s.110 sch.6 Pt.VI. S.4 rep. by SLR 1875

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