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Northern Irish Legislation

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Period from which alteration is to take effect, &c.

12. The said Lord Lieutenant in Council shall and may by every such order as
aforesaid fix and declare from what period the same shall take effect, and
settle and adjust all such matters in respect to the right of voting at
elections of members to serve in Parliament by persons holding or occupying
houses, lands, or tenements in such county or barony, and for the alteration
or amendment of the lists or registers of electors accordingly, and in respect
of the assessment, applotment, and levy of [district rate under the Rates
(Northern Ireland) Order 1977] and all other rates and assessments, and in
respect of all other matters and things proper or necessary to be settled and
adjusted in consequence of such order; and the order of the said Lord
Lieutenant in Council shall be conclusive and binding in law in respect of the
several matters and things therein contained; and every such order shall be
published in the [Belfast Gazette]; and a copy or copies of such order,
certified under the hand of the clerk of the said Council shall be transmitted
to the [chief clerk for each county court division] to which such order shall
in any way relate, to be by him kept and preserved in his office, and
exhibited at all reasonable hours to any person or persons who may desire to
inspect the same, without fee or reward.

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