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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> BOUNDARY SURVEY (IRELAND) ACT 1854

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Submission to county council of reports and maps of proposed alterations.

10. In all cases in which it is proposed to make any alteration of the
boundary of any county or barony, the boundary surveyor shall submit to the
[county council] of such county for approval a report setting forth the detail
of the proposed alterations in such boundaries, with the grounds for making
the same, accompanied by a map showing the boundary or boundaries as
originally laid down on the Ordnance plans of such county or barony; and in
all cases of alteration in the boundary between counties a report and
explanatory map shall be submitted for approval to the [county councils] of
both counties, and shall, after such approval, be fiated by the judge of
assize in each county at the same spring or summer assizes, as the case may
be, before any further proceedings take place in regard to the alteration of
such county boundary: Provided always, that in case any appeal shall have been
lodged to quarter sessions against any such alterations, such report shall not
be so submitted until such appeal shall have been determined.

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