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Interpretation of ""bank,'' ""banker,'' and ""bankers' books''.

9. In this Act the expressions "bank" and "banker" mean any person, persons,
partnership, or company carrying on the business of bankers and having duly
made a return to the Commissioners of Inland Revenue, and also any savings
bank certified under the Acts relating to savings banks, and also [the
National Savings Bank].

The fact of any such bank having duly made a return to the Commissioners of
Inland Revenue may be proved in any legal proceeding by production of a copy
of its return verified by the affidavit of a partner or officer of the bank,
or by the production of a copy of a newspaper purporting to contain a copy of
such return published by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue; the fact that
any such savings bank is certified under the Acts relating to savings banks
may be proved by an office or examined copy of its certificate; ...

Expressions in this Act relating to "bankers' books" include ledgers, day
books, cash books, account books, and all other books used in the ordinary
business of the bank.][

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