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Northern Irish Legislation

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As to the recovery of charges at wash-houses.

24. For the recovery of the charges at such washhouses the [district council]
may detain the clothes brought to be washed, or other goods and chattels, of
any person refusing to pay the charge to which such person may be liable, or
any part thereof, till full payment thereof be made, and in case such payment
be not made within seven days may sell such clothes, goods, and chattels, or
any of them, returning the surplus proceeds of such sale, after deducting the
unpaid charge, and the expenses of such detention and sale, and the unsold
articles, if any, on demand, to such person.

S.25 rep. by 1964 c.14 (NI) s.18 sch. S.26 rep. by 1954 c.9 (NI) s.29 sch.7.
S.27 rep. by SLR 1875

For securing that the baths and washhouses and open bathing places shall be
under the due management and control of the officers, servants, or others
appointed or employed in that behalf by the council ....

For securing adequate privacy to persons using the baths and washhouses and
open bathing places, and security against accidents to persons using the open
bathing places.

For securing that men, and boys above eight years old, shall bathe separately
from women and girls, and children under eight years old.

For preventing damage, disturbance, interruption, and indecent and offensive
language and behaviour, and nuisances.

For determining the duties of the officers, servants, and others appointed by
the council ....

Maximum charges during the first seven years after the establishments are
opened for public use; and after such seven years, except only so long after
such seven years as higher charges may be necessary for defraying the current
expenses of the establishments.

Baths for the labouring classes, supplied with clean water for every bather,
or for several children bathing together:

For one person above eight years old, including

the use of one clean towel:

For several children, not exceeding four, including

the use of one clean towel for every child:

Washhouses for the labouring classes, supplied with conveniences for washing
and drying clothes and other articles:

Open bathing places, where several persons bathe in the same water.

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