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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> BIRTHS AND DEATHS REGISTRATION (NORTHERN IRELAND) ORDER 1976

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21.(1) Subject to this Part, the death of every person shall be registered by
the registrar for the district

(a)in which the person died; or

(b)in which the person was ordinarily resident immediately before his death;

(2) Where

(a)the body of any dead person is found; and

(b)there is not available any information as to the place where he died;

(3) Where

(a)the body of any dead person is found in any river, lake, arm of the sea or
other area of water; and

(b)there is not available any information as to the place where he died;

(4) The following persons shall be qualified to give information concerning a
death, that is to say:

(a)any relative of the deceased who has knowledge of the particulars required
to be registered concerning the death;

(b)any person present at the death;

(c)the executor or administrator of the deceased's estate;

(d)the occupier, at the time of the death, of the premises in which the death,
to the knowledge of the occupier, occurred;

(e)the person finding the body;

(f)the person taking charge of the body;

(g)the person procuring the disposal of the body.

(5) It shall, subject to paragraphs (6) and (7) and to Article 26, be the duty

(a)of each such relative as is mentioned in paragraph (4)(a); or

(b)if there is no such relative as is mentioned in paragraph (4)(a), of each
such person mentioned in paragraph (4)(b); or

(c)if there is no such relative or person as is mentioned in paragraph 4(a)
and (b) of each person mentioned in paragraph (4)(c), (d), (e), (f) and (g);

(6) Where any qualified informant gives the required information concerning a
death and signs the register every other qualified informant shall cease to be
under a duty to do so.

(7) Where a coroner receives any notification or notice under section 7 or 8
of the Coroners Act (Northern Ireland) 1959 in respect of the death of any
person or a coroner has been informed of the death of any person and there is
reasonable ground to believe that the person has died as the result of an
industrial disease of the lungs, paragraph (5) shall have effect as if the
words "before the expiration of a period of five days from the date of a
death" were omitted.

(8) Where the Registrar General is satisfied, after such inquiry as he thinks
necessary, that the correct particulars concerning a death are available, he
may authorise the registration of the death even if the information is not
given by a qualified informant.

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