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19.(1) Subject to paragraph (3), the Registrar General may at any time, on
production of such evidence as appears to him to be satisfactory, give his
written authority for the re-registration of the birth of a legitimated person
whose birth is already registerd under this Order (or any statutory provision
repealed by the Births and Deaths Registration Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 or
this Order).

(2) Any re-registration under paragraph (1) shall be effected in the
prescribed manner and at such place as may be prescribed.

(3) The Registrar General shall not give his authority for the re-registration
of the birth of any such person as is mentioned in paragraph (1) where
information with a view to obtaining the re-registration is not furnished to
him by both parents, unless

(a)the name of a person acknowledging himself to be the father of the
legitimated person has been entered in the register in pursuance of Article 14
or 18 of this Order, section 23 or 29 of the Births and Deaths Registration
Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 or section 7 of the Births and Deaths Registration
Act (Ireland) 1880; or

(b)the paternity of the legitimated person has been established by an
affiliation order or otherwise by a decree of a court of competent
jurisdiction; or

(c)a declaration of the legitimacy of the legitimated person has been made
under the Legitimacy Declaration Act (Ireland) 1868 or any corresponding
enactment in force at the date of the declaration in any part of Great

(4) The parents of any such person as is mentioned in paragraph (1) or, where
under paragraph (3) the birth of such a person may be re-registered on
information furnished by one of his parents and the other parent is dead, the
surviving parent of such a person shall, within three months from the date of
the marriage which legitimates that person, furnish to the Registrar General
such information as is necessary to enable him to give his authority for the
re-registration of the birth of that person.

(5) Where

(a)the Registrar General believes any person to have become a legitimated
person within the meaning of the Legitimacy Acts (Northern Ireland) 1928 to
1961 on the marriage of his parents; and

(b)the parents or either of them fail to furnish within a period of three
months from the date of the marriage such information as may be necessary to
enable the Registrar General to give his authority for the re-registration of
that person's birth;

(6) Where

(a)the Registrar General gives his authority for the re-registration of the
birth of any person under this Article; and

(b)the birth of that person is not so re-registered within three weeks from
the date on which the Registrar General gives his authority for that

(i)to attend personally at any convenient place, specified by the Registrar
General, within such time (not being less than ten days from the date of issue
of the notice) as may be so specified;

(ii)to sign the register in the presence of the registrar.

(7) Paragraphs (1) to (6) shall apply in relation to all persons recognised by
the law of Northern Ireland as having been legitimated by the subsequent
marriage of their parents, whether or not their legitimation, or the
recognition thereof, was effected by the Legitimacy Act (Northern Ireland)

(8) The failure of the parents of a legitimated person or either of them to
furnish the information required by this Article shall not affect the
legitimation of that person.

(9) Any entry relating to the re-registration of the birth of any person under
this Article shall not be treated as evidence of the legitimation of that

(10) This Article shall apply with such modifications as the Department may,
by regulations made subject to affirmative resolution, prescribe in relation
to births at sea of which the Registrar General receives a return under any
statutory provision.

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