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Northern Irish Legislation

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44.(1) Any person who

(a)being required by this Order to give information concerning any birth or
death, or any living infant child, or any dead body wilfully refuses to answer
any question put to him by the registrar, relating to the particulars required
under Articles 10 and 21;

(b)being required by this Order to sign a register in the presence of the
registrar, fails to do so;

(c)fails to comply with any notice issued by a registrar or the Registrar
General in pursuance of this Order; or

(d)refuses or fails, without reasonable excuse, to give, send or deliver any
certificate in accordance with this Order;

(2) Where the parent of any child fails to give the information required by
this Order concerning the birth of the child, he shall, except as provided by
this Order, be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction
to a fine not exceeding #10 for each offence.

(3) Where any person required by this Order to give information concerning a
death in the first instance, and not merely in default of some other person,
fails to give that information he shall, except as provided by this Order, be
guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not
exceeding #10 for each offence.

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