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Northern Irish Legislation

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35.(1) An alteration shall not be made in an entry in any register otherwise
than in accordance with paragraphs (2) to (4) or any other statutory

(2) Any person authorised by the Registrar General in that behalf may

(a)correct in the prescribed manner any clerical error in any register; and

(b)correct any error of fact or substance in the register if a person
requiring the error to be corrected (whether in pursuance of a notice or
otherwise) produces to him a statutory document in the prescribed form
specifying the error and the true facts, being a declaration made by a
qualified informant, in relation to the birth or death in question, or by two
credible persons possessing knowledge of the true facts.

(3) Where an error of fact or substance (other than one relating to the cause
of death) occurs in a coroner's certificate issued in relation to a death
where an inquest is held, the coroner (or any succeeding coroner for the area
in question) shall, if he is satisfied by evidence on oath or a statutory
declaration that an error exists, give a certificate in the prescribed form to
the officer having the custody of the register in which the information is
entered stating the nature of the error and the true facts as ascertained by
him on the evidence.

(4) Where an officer having the custody of the register in question receives a
certificate under paragraph (3) he shall, in such form and manner as the
Registrar General may direct, correct the error without altering the original

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