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Northern Irish Legislation

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34.(1) The Registrar General shall cause indexes of all the entries in the
registers in his custody to be made and kept in the General Register Office.

(2) Any person may

(a)search any index which is, under paragraph (1), kept in the General
Register Office at any time during which the Office is open to the public; and

(b)require the Registrar General to furnish him with a certified copy of an
entry in the registers referred to in paragraph (1).

(3) Paragraphs (1) and (2) shall not apply in relation to any entries in a
register of still-births, but upon payment of the prescribed fee the Registrar
General may, in any particular case

(a)cause a search to be made of any register of still-births;

(b)cause a certified copy to be issued of any entry in any such register.

(4) The prescribed fee shall be paid to the Registrar General by any person
making or requiring a general or particular search or requiring to be
furnished with a certified copy under this Article.

(5) The Registrar General shall cause any certified copy of an entry and any
certificate under Article 40 given in the General Register Office to be
stamped with the seal of the Office, of which judicial notice shall be taken.

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