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Northern Irish Legislation

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[2nd July 1976] [{2}midwife] [{2} registered midwife {3}] who was so present
or has examined the body. B>(4) A certificate for the purposes of paragraph
(3) shall C >>( a ) state that the child was not born alive; and C >>( b )
where possible, state to the best of the knowledge and belief of the person
signing it E >> >(i) the cause of the still-birth; E >>> (ii) the weight of
the foetus; and E > < >(iii) the estimated duration of the pregnancy. B >(5) A
registered medical practitioner or [{2}midwife]
[registered midwife] who is present at a still-birth or examines the body of a
still-born child shall (unless the still-birth has been referred to the
coroner or he or she intends to refer the still-birth to the coroner) give an
informant a certificate for the purposes of paragraph (3) free of charge,
without any request being made in that behalf.

(6) Upon registering a still-birth a registrar shall, if so required, give to
the informant or to the person who has control over, or who ordinarily effects
the disposal of bodies at, any burial ground or other place at which it is
intended to dispose of the body of a still-born child, a certificate in the
prescribed form that he has registered the still-birth.

(7) Where a registrar receives written notice of a still-birth accompanied by
such a certificate as is mentioned in paragraph (3), he may, before
registering the still-birth, give to the person sending the notice a
certificate in the prescribed form that he has received notice of the

(8) A certificate given under paragraph (6) or (7) shall

(a)be given only for the purposes of the disposal of the body of the
still-born child; and

(b)be free of charge.

(9) Where a person who has control over or ordinarily effects the disposal of
bodies at any burial ground or other place permits the disposal of the body of
a still-born child in that ground or place he shall, unless he receives in
respect of that child a certificate under paragraph (6) or (7) or an order or
authorisation of the coroner, give notice of the disposal in the prescribed
form to the registrar of the district in which the still-birth occurred,
within seven days from the date of the disposal.

(10) The Registrar General shall provide forms for the purposes of paragraph

(11) Any person who fails to comply with paragraph (9) shall be guilty of an
offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding #5
in respect of each disposal of which he fails to give notice.

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