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Provisions as to second bankruptcy or administration in bankruptcy of bankrupt's estate.

11.(1) Where a second or subsequent adjudication of bankruptcy is made against
a bankrupt, or where an order is made for the administration in bankruptcy of
the estate of a deceased bankrupt, then for the purposes of any proceedings
consequent upon any such adjudication or order, the assignees or trustee in
the last preceding bankruptcy shall be deemed to be creditors in respect of
any unsatisfied balance of the debts provable against the property of the
bankrupt in that bankruptcy, and any property acquired by the bankrupt since
he was last adjudged bankrupt, which at the date when the subsequent petition
was presented had not been distributed amongst the creditors in such last
preceding bankruptcy, shall (subject to any disposition thereof made by the
assignees or trustee in that bankruptcy, without knowledge of the presentation
of the subsequent petition, and subject to the provisions of this Act with
respect to dealings with an undischarged bankrupt) vest in the assignees or
trustee in the subsequent bankruptcy or administration in bankruptcy as the
case may be.

(2) Where the assignees or trustee in any bankruptcy receive notice of a
subsequent petition in bankruptcy against the bankrupt or after his decease of
a petition for the administration of his estate in bankruptcy, the said
assignees or trustee shall hold any property then in their possession which
has been acquired by the bankrupt since he was adjudged bankrupt until the
subsequent petition has been disposed of, and, if on the subsequent petition
an order of adjudication or an order for the administration of the estate in
bankruptcy is made, they shall transfer all such property or the proceeds
thereof (after deducting their costs and expenses) to the assignees or trustee
in the subsequent bankruptcy or administration in bankruptcy, as the case may

Repeal and re-enactment with amendments of 1857 c.60 s.314 and 1872 c.58 s.52

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