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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> BETTING ACT 1874

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Penalty on persons advertising as to betting.

3. Where any letter, circular, telegram, placard, handbill, card, or
advertisement is sent, exhibited, or published

(1)Whereby it is made to appear that any person, either in the United Kingdom
or elsewhere, will on application give information or advice for the purpose
of or with respect to any such bet or wager, or any such event or contingency
as is mentioned in the principal Act, or will make on behalf of any other
person any such bet or wager as is mentioned in the principal Act; or,

(2)With intent to induce any person to apply to any house, office, room, or
place, or to any person, with the view of obtaining information or advice for
the purpose of any such bet or wager or with respect to any such event or
contingency as is mentioned in the principal Act; or

(3)Inviting any person to make or take any share in or in connection with any
such bet or wager;

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