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Northern Irish Legislation

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Notice to be given of the time at which it is proposed that the burial shall take place.

3. Such priest or minister who may purpose to attend such burial shall,
twenty-four hours before the reading of such prayers or the performance of
such burial service, serve or cause to be served upon the person appointed by
the rector, vicar, or other incumbent of the parish to receive such notices a
notice in writing, signed with his name, stating the name and late residence
of the person about to be buried, and the hour at which he purposes to read
such prayers or perform such burial service; and if there be no celebration,
catechising, or instruction already appointed to take place, or other burial
service appointed to be performed at the time specified in the notice, of
which he is to be then and there informed, he shall read such prayers or
perform such service at the time for which he has given notice; but if any
celebration, catechising, instruction, or other burial service shall have been
already appointed, then he shall appoint some other convenient time before or
after such celebration, catechising, instruction, or other burial service.

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