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Northern Irish Legislation

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No house to be built without drains being constructed.

36. No house or building within the limits of the special Act shall be built
upon a lower level than will allow of the drainage of the wash and refuse of
such house or building into some sewer belonging to the commissioners either
then existing or marked out upon the map herein-before directed to be made by
them, or into the sea, or some public river into which the commissioners are
empowered to empty their sewers; and if there be such means of drainage
existing within one hundred feet of such intended house or building,
the commissioners shall cause a drain leading thereunto from the intended site
of such house to be made, of such materials, of such size, at such level, and
with such fall, as they think fit, or if there be no such means of drainage
within one hundred feet of any part of the said intended site of such house or
building, then such drain shall be made so as to lead into such covered
cesspool or other place as the commissioners direct, not being under any
dwelling house, and constructed to the satisfaction of the commissioners, so
as effectually to prevent the escape of the contents thereof, until such sewer
as aforesaid is made by the commissioners, when they shall make a drain to
communicate with such new-made sewer, and shall demolish and fill up any such

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