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Northern Irish Legislation

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Commissioners empowered to construct drains from houses.

35. If any house or building within the limits of the special Act be at any
time not drained by a sufficient drain or pipe communicating with some sewer,
or with the sea or some public river, to the satisfaction of
the commissioners, and if there shall be such means of drainage within one
hundred feet of any part of such house or building, the commissioners shall
construct or lay from such house or building a covered drain or pipe, of such
materials, of such size, at such level, and with such fall, as they think
necessary for the drainage of such house or buildings, its areas,
waterclosets, privies, and offices; provided that the cost of executing such
work shall not, without the written consent of the owner, exceed one year's
rackrent of such house or building; and the expences incurred by
the commissioners in respect thereof, if not forthwith paid by the owner or
occupier, shall be defrayed by the drainage rates herein-after mentioned.

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