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[25th July 1978] [{4}Article 36 of the Clean Air (Northern Ireland) Order
1981|] (which makes it an offence to disclose information relating to any
trade secret). B>(8) So long as a district council exercises any of its powers
under paragraph (2), it shall consult such persons carrying on any trade or
business in the council's district, or such organisations appearing to the
council to be representative of those persons, and such persons appearing to
the council to be conversant with problems of air pollution or to have an
interest in local amenity as appear to the council to be appropriate C >>( a )
about the way in which the district council exercises its powers under this
Article and Article 58; and C >>( b ) about the extent to which, and the
manner in which, any information collected under those powers should be made
available to the public. B>(9) The consultations shall take place not less
than twice in each financial year. B Notices requiring information about air
pollution A> 58. (1) A district council may by notice require the occupier of
any premises in its district to furnish, whether by periodical returns or by
other means, such estimates or other information as may be specified or
described in the notice concerning the emission of pollutants and other
substances into the air from the premises. B>(2) This Article shall not apply
to premises in so far as they consist of a private dwelling. B>(3) If the
notice relates to a work subject to the Alkali Act, the person on whom the
notice is served shall not be obliged to supply any information which, as
certified by an inspector appointed under that Act, is not of a kind which is
being supplied to the inspector for the purposes of that Act. B>(4) The person
on whom a notice is served under this section shall comply with the notice
within six weeks of the date of service, or within such longer period as the
district council may by notice allow. B>(5) A notice under this Article shall
not require returns at intervals of less than three months, and no one notice
(whether or not requiring periodical returns) shall call for information
covering a period of more than twelve months. <1981 NI 4 ]
 rt.44(3) sch.5

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