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Northern Irish Legislation

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Disregard of actual or prospective development.

16.(1) In assessing compensation payable in respect of the compulsory
acquisition after the passing of this Act of any land (in this section
referred to as "the relevant land") no account shall be taken of any increase
or diminution in the value of the relevant land which is attributable to the
carrying out, or the prospect of the carrying out, of so much of any
development on the relevant land or on other land which has been, or is being,
or is proposed to be acquired (whether compulsorily or otherwise) for the
purposes of the same scheme or project of development for which
the relevant land is being or has been acquired, as would not have been likely
to have been, or to be, carried out if the acquiring body or authority had not
acquired or did not propose to acquire the relevant land or that other land.

[(1A) Where any of the relevant land forms part of an area designated as the
site of a new town by an order under the New Towns Act (Northern Ireland)
1965, no account shall be taken of any increase or diminution in the value of
the relevant land which is attributable to the carrying out, or the prospect
of carrying out, of so much of any development on the relevant land or on
other land in that area in the course of the development of that area as a new
town, as would not have been likely to have been, or to be, carried out if the
area had not been so designated.]

(2) In this section "development" includes any building operations or
rebuilding operations, and any use of the land or any building thereon for a
purpose which is different from the purpose for which the land or building was
last being used.

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