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Definitions for local government purposes.

44. In an enactment the expression

"borough" when used in relation to local government, shall mean a
municipal borough, and, when used in relation to parliamentary elections or
the registration of parliamentary electors, shall mean a
parliamentary borough;

["chairman", when used in relation to a district council, shall include a
mayor or lord mayor, and "ice-chairman', when so used, shall include a deputy
mayor or deputy lord mayor;

"councillor" shall include an alderman;

"district", when used in relation to local government, shall mean a local
government district within the meaning of section 1 of the Local Government
Act (Northern Ireland) 1972 and shall include a district which is a borough;

"district council" shall mean the council of a district;]

["district rate" means a rate made by a district council under the Rates
(Northern Ireland) Order 1977;]

["local government auditor" shall mean a person appointed as such under
section 74 of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 1972;]

"municipal borough" shall mean any [district for which a charter of
incorporation of inhabitants, or a charter designating the district a borough,
is in force, and shall include a borough which is a city];

"parliamentary borough" shall mean any borough or place or combination of
places returning a member or members to serve in Parliament not being a county
or division of a county or a university.

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