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Northern Irish Legislation

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Coming into force of enactments.

14.(1) Every enactment which is not expressed to come into force or operation
on a particular day shall come into operation immediately on the expiration of
the day before the date of the passing thereof, or, where the enactment is a
statutory instrument, of the making thereof.

(2) Where an enactment is expressed to come into force or operation on a
particular day (whether such day is before or after the date of the passing of
such enactment, or where the enactment is a statutory instrument, of the
making thereof, and whether such day is named in the enactment or is to be
appointed or fixed or ascertained in any other manner) the enactment shall be
construed as coming into force immediately on the expiration of the day before
that particular day.

Subs.(3) rep. by SLR 1976

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