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Northern Irish Legislation

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Date of passing, etc., of enactments.

13.(1) The date of the passing of every Act shall be the date on which the
Bill for that Act receives the Royal Assent.

(2) The Clerk of the Parliaments shall inscribe on every Act, immediately
after the long title of the Act, the day, month and year when the Act received
Royal Assent; and such inscription shall be taken to be part of the Act.

(3) The date of the making of every statutory instrument shall be the date
therein expressed as the date of the execution thereof, but where the
instrument is made by two or more authorities jointly and is therein expressed
to be executed by those authorities on different dates, the date of the making
thereof shall be the last date so expressed.

(4) Where a statutory instrument made or to be made after the commencement of
this Act by one authority requires the concurrence or approval of any other
authority, that concurrence or approval shall be formally inscribed on the
instrument either

(a)on or before the date of the making thereof; or

(b)if the other authority has before that date indicated an intention to
concur in or approve of the making of the instrument, within one month after
such making.

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