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95. The Proof Master and Wardens, so long as there shall be Wardens, but
otherwise the Proof Master alone of the Guardians, shall have the custody of
the proof stamps of the Guardians, and shall, under and in accordance with the
[rules] and regulations of the Guardians from time to time in force,
superintend all other the officers, workmen, and servants of the Guardians in
the discharge of their duties and conduct, the general management of the
Birmingham Proof House, and the Branch Proof Houses of the Guardians, and the
Proof Master, with the consent of the Wardens, if there shall be Wardens, but
otherwise in his own discretion, may from time to time appoint, and at
pleasure remove, any Assistant Proof Master, inferior officer, workman, or
servant of the Guardians, as he may think fit, and may determine their
respective duties and remuneration: provided always, that if the Proof Master
is a salaried officer, and not a Guardian, he shall not, without the previous
consent of the chairman of the Guardians, appoint or remove any Assistant
Proof Master, inferior officer, workman, or servant, but may, for misconduct,
suspend him from his employment, and shall forthwith report the suspension to
the Chairman.

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