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Application of monies by Guardians.

94. All monies from time to time received under this Act by or for the
Guardians, or vested in or belonging to the Guardians under or by virtue of
this Act, shall be applied

First, in payment of the costs, charges, and expenses of and incident to the
obtaining and passing of this Act:

Secondly, in maintaining, repairing, and improving the Birmingham Proof House,
and providing, maintaining, repairing, and improving the Branch Proof Houses
of the Guardians, and proving, and marking as proved, the barrels tendered at
the same respectively for proof, including the remuneration, salaries, and
wages of the Proof Master, Wardens, Assistant Proof Masters, and other
officers, workmen, and servants of the Guardians, the remuneration of the
elected Guardians, and other the incidental expenses of the Guardians in the
execution of this Act:

Thirdly, in payment of the superannuation allowances and gratuities granted
under this Act to officers, workmen, servants, and others:

Fourthly, when and so soon as the Guardians think fit, in providing and
maintaining a rifle shooting ground and all necessary erections by this Act

Fifthly, in contributing such sums as the Guardians think fit towards a
benefit or superannuation fund, if one be established by the Birmingham Gun

Sixthly, the surplus and the income of the investments thereof shall
constitute "the Reserve Fund:"

Duties and Powers of Proof Masters and Wardens.

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