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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> GAMING ACT 1845

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Persons concerned in gaming and giving evidence, to be exempt from prosecutions, &c.

9. Every person who shall have been concerned in any unlawful gaming, and who
shall be examined as a witness by or before any police magistrate or justice
of the peace, or on the trial of any indictment or information against the
owner or keeper or other person having the care or management of any common
gaming house, touching such unlawful gaming, and who upon such examination
shall make true and faithful discovery to the best of his or her knowledge of
all things as to which he or she shall be so examined, and shall thereupon
receive from the magistrate or justice of the peace or judge of the court by
or before whom he or she shall be so examined a certificate in writing to that
effect, shall be freed from all criminal prosecutions, and from all
forfeitures, punishments, and disabilities, to which he or she may have become
liable for anything done before that time in respect of such unlawful gaming.

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