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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> GAMING ACT 1845

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What shall be deemed evidence of gaming.

8. Where any cards, dice, balls, counters, tables, or other instruments of
gaming used in playing any unlawful game shall be found in any house, room, or
place suspected to be used as a common gaming house, and entered under a
warrant or order issued under the provisions of this Act, or about the person
of any of those who shall be found therein, it shall be evidence, until the
contrary be made to appear, that such house, room, or place is used as a
common gaming house, and that the persons found in the room or place where
such tables or instruments of gaming shall have been found were playing
therein, although no play was actually going on in the presence of the
constable entering the same under a warrant or order issued under the
provisions of this Act, or in the presence of those persons by whom he shall
be accompanied as aforesaid; and it shall be lawful for the police
magistrate... before whom any person shall be taken by virtue of the warrant
or order to direct all such tables and instruments of gaming to be forthwith

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