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Northern Irish Legislation

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When billiard playing shall not be allowed.

13. Every person keeping any public billiard table or bagatelle board, or
instrument used in any game of the like kind, whether he be the owner of a
victualler's licence or licensed under this Act, who shall allow any person to
play at such table, board, or instrument after one and before eight of the
clock in the morning of any day, or at any time on Sundays, Christmas Day, or
Good Friday, or any day appointed to be kept as a public fast or thanksgiving,
and every person holding a victualler's licence who shall allow any person to
play at such table, board, or instrument kept on the premises specified in
such victualler's licence at any time when such premises are not by law
allowed to be open for the sale of wine, spirits, or beer, or other fermented
or distilled liquors, shall be liable to the penalties herein provided in the
case of persons keeping such public billiard table, bagatelle board, or
instrument as aforesaid for public use without licence; and during those times
when play at such table, board, or instrument is not allowed by this Act every
house licensed under this Act, and every billiard room in every house
specified in any victualler's licence, shall be closed, and the keeping of the
same open, or allowing any person to play therein or thereat, at any of the
times or on any of the days during which such play is not allowed by this Act,
shall be deemed in each case an offence against the tenor of the licence of
the person so offending.

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