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Northern Irish Legislation

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Penalties for offences against tenor of licences, as for offences against tenor of licences granted under 1828 c.61.

12. Every person licensed under this Act, who shall be convicted before a
police magistrate... of any offence against the tenor of the licence to him
granted, shall be liable to the same penalties and punishments, in the case of
a first, second or third offence respectively, to which persons licensed under
the Alehouse Act, 1828, are respectively liable on conviction of a first,
second, or third offence against the tenor of the licence granted to them
under the last-recited Act, or as near thereunto as the nature of the case
will allow; and all the provisions of the last-recited Act with respect to
convictions and penalties for offences against the last-recited Act, and the
proceedings for enforcing the same, and to the expences of prosecution and
penalties on witnesses for not attending, and the recovery and application of
penalties, and the proceedings on appeals against convictions, and the award
of costs on appeals, and in actions against justices, constables, or other
persons for anything done in execution of the last-recited Act, shall be
deemed to apply, so far as they are applicable, to convictions for offences
against the tenor of the licences granted under this Act, and to the
proceedings consequent thereupon or connected therewith, as if they were
herein re-enacted.

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