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Rules as to boxes in salmon weirs.

85.(1) The following rules shall be observed in relation to the construction
and use of boxes in salmon weirs:

(a)the surface of the floor of the box shall be level with the natural bed of
the river;

(b)the inscales and the heck of the box shall be capable of being removed and
opened up;

(c)the bars of the heck of the box shall be placed perpendicularly;

(d)the inscales and the heck of the box shall be so constructed that no bar or
part of a bar is nearer to any other bar or part of a bar than such distance
as may be prescribed by byelaws, or if no distance is prescribed, a distance
of two inches;

(e)the box shall not be built over or in any other manner hidden from public

(2) If any person constructs or uses any box in a salmon weir in contravention
of subsection (1), he shall be guilty of an offence ....

(3) If any box in a salmon weir is constructed in contravention of this
section, the Board or, failing the Board, the Ministry may cause the parts of
that box which do not comply with the requirements of this section to be
removed, and may recover from the occupier of the weir any expenses reasonably
incurred in so doing.

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