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Northern Irish Legislation

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Operation of eel weir without free gap.

84.(1) The Ministry may by licence authorise the operation of a specified
eel weir without a free gap, subject to such conditions as may be contained in
the licence.

(2) The Ministry may revoke, or may vary the conditions contained in, a
licence granted under this section, where the Ministry is satisfied that such
revocation or variation is expedient in the interests of the eel fisheries.

(3) When the Ministry proposes to revoke a licence, or to vary any conditions,
under subsection (2), otherwise than on the application of the holder of the
licence, the Ministry shall

(a)give to the holder of the licence at least twenty-eight days' prior notice
of its intention to do so; and

(b)state in the notice given under paragraph (a) the specific variation, if
any, under consideration and the grounds upon which the revocation or
variation is proposed to be made,

(4) Without prejudice to subsection (2), a licence granted under this section
may be suspended or revoked in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 1.

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