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Application to the Londonderry Area.

212.(1) Without prejudice to any other provision of this Act the following
provisions shall not (except in so far as any of them have effect with respect
to sea-fisheries) apply to the Londonderry Area, that is to say,

(a)sections 13 to 16, Parts II and III [(except section 45),] sections 46 to
50, 62 to 73 and 78 to 88, Part VI, and sections 110, 111, 120(5), 160, 161,
170 to 174, [176 to 181 and 197].

(2) In the application of this Act to the Londonderry Area

(a)references to the Board shall be construed as references to the Foyle
Fisheries Commission; and

(b)references to byelaws shall be construed as references to regulations made
under section 13 of the Foyle Fisheries Act (Northern Ireland) 1952.

(3) The Ministry shall consult with the Foyle Fisheries Commission before

(a)commencing to develop or improve any waters in the Londonderry Area for
angling, under section 2 or 3; or

(b)approving, under section 6, any programme relating to such waters.

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