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Register to be kept by holder of licence.

120.(1) Every holder of a dealer's licence shall keep or cause to be kept at
the place or premises to which the licence relates or at such other place as
may be prescribed by the Board a register in such form as may be so prescribed
of all purchases and receipts of salmon, trout or eels for sale by him, and
all sales of salmon, trout or eels made by him, and shall enter or cause to be
entered therein such particulars as may be so prescribed (which shall not
include any particulars as to price) of such purchases, receipts and sales.

(2) A separate register shall be kept in respect of each place or set of
premises, or, as the case may be, each vehicle, with respect to which a
dealer's licence is for the time being in force.

(3) Where a dealer's licence is issued with respect to a vehicle, the register
referred to in subsection (1) shall be kept in that vehicle whenever the
vehicle is being operated in the ordinary course of business, and at other
times shall be kept at such place as may be prescribed by the Board; and,
accordingly, references in this Part to any place or premises where the
register is required to be kept shall, as the case requires, be construed as
references to that vehicle or the place so prescribed.

(4) The particulars referred to in subsection (1) shall be entered in the
register on the same day as that on which the purchases, receipts or sales
were made or received.

(5) Subsection (1) shall not apply with respect to any one or more sales by
retail made to any one person on any one day where the total weight of the
fish sold to that person on that day does not exceed five pounds, provided
that a statement of the aggregate weight of all the fish which were the
subject of such sales to all such persons on that day is entered in the
register in such manner as may be prescribed by the Board.

(6) Any authorised officer may inspect any register kept in pursuance of this
section during such time as the place where the register is required to be
kept under this section is open for the carrying on of business or at such
other reasonable hours as the Board may prescribe by byelaws; and it shall be
the duty of the licence-holder and of every person keeping the register, upon
the request of an authorised officer, to produce for inspection by him that
register, and also all invoices, consignment notes, receipts and other
documents (including copies thereof where the originals are not available)
which may be required to verify any entry in or explain any omission from the
register, and to allow the authorised officer to take copies of or extracts
from the register or any such document.

(7) A demand for the inspection of a register or other document under
subsection (6) shall be deemed to have been duly made to the licence-holder if
the demand is made verbally at the place, premises or vehicle where the
register is required to be kept under subsection (1) or (3) to any person in
the employment of the licence-holder.

(8) A person who holds or has held a dealer's licence shall preserve and
retain any register kept by him under this section [together with any
documents which may be required to verify any entry in or explain any omission
from that register] for a period of six months after the expiration of the
latest year in which an entry was made in the register.

(9) Any holder of a dealer's licence who contravenes any provision of this
section shall be guilty of an offence under this Part.

(10) Any person who wilfully or negligently makes or causes to be made in a
register kept under this section any entry which is false or misleading in any
material particular shall be guilty of an offence under this Part.

(11) In this section "authorised officer" has the same meaning as in
section 112(6).

S.121 rep. by 1981 NI 7 art.10(4) sch.5

Marking of packages containing salmon, trout or eels.

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