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Northern Irish Legislation

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Forfeiture of licences.

200.(1) If the person who is the holder of a licence issued by the Board is
convicted of an offence under any provision of this Act, the court may direct
the licence to be forfeited and declare that person to be disqualified for
holding a licence of the same kind during such period as the court may direct,
being a period not exceeding one year in the case of a first conviction and
not exceeding five years in the case of a second or subsequent conviction.

(2) If a person who is not the holder of a licence is convicted of an offence
under any provision of this Act, the court may declare that person to be
disqualified for holding a licence during such period as the court may direct,
being a period not exceeding one year in the case of a first conviction, and
not exceeding five years in the case of a second or subsequent conviction.

(3) Where under section 74(1) of the Foyle Fisheries Act (Northern Ireland)
1952 a licence issued by the Foyle Fisheries Commission (in this section
referred to as "the Commission") is forfeited and the person who was the
holder of that licence is declared to be disqualified for holding a licence of
the Commission during a specified period, then, as a statutory consequence of
such forfeiture and disqualification,

(a)any corresponding licence issued by the Board which is held by that person
shall stand forfeited; and

(b)that person shall be disqualified for holding such a licence of the Board
during the same period as he is disqualified for holding a licence of
the Commission.

(4) Where a licence is directed to be forfeited under subsection (1) or where
it stands forfeited under subsection (3) it shall thereupon cease to be in

(5) Where a person is convicted by a court of an offence against this Act or
against the Foyle Fisheries Acts, the clerk of the court shall, as soon as may
be, in either case forward to each of the Board and the Commission a duly
authenticated certificate of the conviction, and, notwithstanding the
provisions of any statutory instrument, such a certificate shall not be
subject to any stamp.

(6) In this section "licence", in relation to a licence of the Board, means a
fishing licence or a dealer's licence, and for the purposes of this section
[byelaws may specify the classes of fishing licence which are to be deemed to
be licences of the same kind].

Penalties for offences.

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